Wednesday, October 24, 2012

My Boys - What They Are Doing

Name: Josiah
Age: 2 Years and 1 Month
  • Singing along with anything
  • Asking mommy or daddy to open the refrigerator or pantry to look for food
  • Playing with his trains
  • Self imposed quiet time in his crib (seriously)
  • Not getting mommy's full attention
What he is learning:
  • Talking - using new words and repeating words or letters he hears on TV or other say
  • Being more independent
Mommy Notes: He can be fussy when he does not get what he wants but we are working on that issue. He is so very helpful and obeys very well for the most part. He sleeps great and never is upset about going to bed or nap. He and daddy are getting closer and he does not get upset anymore when mommy leaves the house.

Name: Aaron
Age: 4 1/2 Months
  • Being held
  • Being tickled lightly
  • Being talked to
  • Being startled
  • Watching daddy
  • Watching brother
  • Not being held
  • Taking naps
What he is learning:
  • He is now rolling over back and forth a lot
  • He is kicking his feet when he is on his stomach
  • He takes one good nap a day
  • He is getting easier to put down for night night time
  • He will talk when you pat your hand on his mouth
Mommy Notes: He usually takes one good nap and the other one or two are not very long. He sleeps for 4 hours at night at the most but it is usually more like 3. He is able to stay up in the car for longer trips out to the center and like sitting up. He still likes to be held a bunch and can scream very loudly when he is tired and not being held. He does well with independent play when we are on a good routine but if we get off even one day, he needs a lot more attention.

I love being a mom of two beautiful boys. They make my life so much more full. There are challenges and bad days but they do not compare to the joy seeing them grow up brings to me and Louis.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Aaron is Here

Born on June 3rd at 8:57pm
Weighted 7lbs 11oz
20.5" in length

Thursday, March 8, 2012

26 Weeks Pregnant

Out to Dinner

Last night we went out to our favorite Persian restaurant Alborz. Josiah loves the food, too.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

New Camera - Cause someone (Josiah) broke the old one!

View down past my big belly.
 Josiah signing more.
 Such a happy boy.
 A smile only a mother could love.
 My liitle thumb sucker.
 Josiah sucking on his pizza crust.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

How many times...

How many times have I let my heart slip away. How many ways have I distanced myself from you. But then when I am low and have no bread I come ashamedly back and your arms are always open to receive me. Lord, you are my King. Lord, you are my redeemer. Lord, you are my best friend. My distracted heart will be reigned in and once more I will abide in You.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Having a Hard Day!

I was making a cake for Louis so I let Josiah lick the spoon. He was having fun until I took out the camera and would not let him have it. Melt down ensued. Poor baby is sick so it is to be expected sometimes.

23 Weeks

Friday, February 10, 2012

What a gift!

As I look back over the many photos and videos of our last 16 months I just stare in awe at the wonder of God's creation in my precious son Josiah. From the time he was born and barely moving around till now, when he seems so grown up to me some days, I just bask in the wonders of being a mother and getting to sit by and watch him grow up and experience like. I never dread the day ahead because I know I have a partner with me. He is my pal. I love him so much I can barely keep myself from waking him up in the middle of the night to hug him. As we enjoy these last few months together just him and I (oh, Louis is there somewhere. Just kidding... he is still my main man) I hope to treasure each moment and not get too preoccupied with our upcoming baby Aaron. Josiah is a treasure to me. A jewel in my crown. I would lay down my life for him and pray whole heartily that his salvation in Christ would come quickly. Thank you Lord for letting me be a mother. What a gift!

Monday, January 30, 2012

Family Update 2012

I figured I best write a quick note to update everyone on where we are in life.

First off, we are all happy and healthy and that is more important.

Louis is still working at Travis County Sheriffs Department and is in the process of writing his second book, "Rank of Throne" ( He is a great dedicated father and a wonderful loving husband of nearly 7 years.

Josiah is now 16 months and is growing and learning everyday. He is a joy and a blessing. He has 8 teeth and can say kitty, hi, bye, mama, dadda, and a few times baby. He loves to play with his 3 light sabers and watch Clone Wars with daddy.

I am doing well myself. I am 21 weeks pregnant with our second son Aaron. He is due June 8th and we are so excited to be having another boy (Josiah gets to be a big brother to a little brother and less stuff to buy). We have recently started eating gluten free because of a skin allergy so I have had to learn how to prepare food without using wheat or other gluten containing products. BTW, my skin is looking better after only a month and it is not as hard as I once thought.

Louis and I are still doing ministry work with Cares and loving it. We recently have started a weekly Bible study with our church that meets in our apartment clubhouse and it allows us to reach out spiritually to the community. We will be signing up for our 4th year in May and looking forward to reaching out in love to even more Cedar Park residents.

We miss all the family and friends that we have not seen in a while but know that we think about you and pray for you a lot.

Be blessed in whatever path you are on and never lose hope for a better future,

Louis, Natalie & Josiah Amparan
Check out my other blog at

Jedi in Training

Josiah Update - He is still cute!

Monday, January 16, 2012

It's Another Boy

Introducing Aaron Avram Amparan